10 warning signs of high cholesterol to look out for

10 warning signs of high cholesterol to look out for

High cholesterol is a common condition that can increase your heart disease and stroke risk. It occurs when excessive cholesterol is in your blood, which can lead to buildup in your arteries. This can narrow your arteries and restrict blood flow to your organs, leading to serious health problems. This article will discuss the early signs of high cholesterol and let you take steps to prevent and manage this condition. Chest pain Chest pain is among the most common early signs of high cholesterol, often accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, or lightheadedness. This occurs when cholesterol buildup in the arteries reduces blood flow to the heart, causing chest pain or discomfort. Chest pain can also be described as pressure, tightness, or squeezing in the chest. Numbness or tingling sensation High cholesterol can also cause a numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and feet. The high cholesterol content in the arteries constricts the blood supply, resulting in nerve damage. A similar sensation is often felt by a burning or prickling feeling. Headaches Headaches can be a sign of high cholesterol, particularly if they are severe or frequent and, most of the time, lead to dizziness or lightheadedness. So, frequent headache episodes because of high cholesterol might call for a doctor’s intervention.
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4 bad habits that could lead to kidney failure

4 bad habits that could lead to kidney failure

The kidneys are vital organs that help remove waste and excess fluid from the bloodstream. Kidney failure is a severe disorder where the kidneys lose their ability to function correctly, leading to a buildup of toxins in the body. To prevent this condition, individuals must follow healthy lifestyle practices and avoid anything that can harm these organs. Several bad habits can lead to kidney failure, the most common ones being: Poor food choices Processed foods have a lot of sodium and sugar, which can strain the kidneys. It can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other ailments that increase the risk of kidney disease. Processed foods also have phosphorus, another component that can harm the organ. Besides processed foods, individuals should avoid eating too much meat. High amounts of animal protein can cause excess acid production in the blood, leading to a kidney disorder called acidosis. While protein is essential for a healthy body, individuals should speak to a nutritionist to learn about the right kind of protein and the maximum quantity that can be safely consumed in a day. Experts recommend a meal plan rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats to keep the kidneys healthy.
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5 bad habits that can damage teeth

5 bad habits that can damage teeth

Oral health is an important part of health, so one must keep their teeth and gums clean and watch out for unusual changes. In most cases, poor oral hygiene can be easy to observe through signs like persistent bad breath. Further, some bad habits can harm the teeth and pose health risks. Even a seemingly harmless action, like biting your nails, can be a bad idea. So, here are a few habits to avoid: Chewing on ice After drinking a cold beverage, many may get used to crunching on the ice at the bottom. Though it might seem completely harmless, it can cause immense damage to the teeth. Every time you munch on ice, you risk chipping the enamel—the outermost layer of the teeth. Enamel wear can leave the teeth unprotected and can prove to be painful, requiring treatment and immediate care. Brushing too hard People who brush their teeth too hard risk irritating their gums. This can lead to problems like receding gums and erosion of tooth enamel. So, experts recommend choosing a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent brushing your teeth too hard. Additionally, you must brush your teeth in wide yet gentle strokes to keep them clean.
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Early warning signs of different types of ataxia

Early warning signs of different types of ataxia

Ataxia is a word used to describe the lack of coordination in the legs, hands, fingers, legs, body, speech, eye movements, and arms. Methods to manage the condition may include using adaptive devices to remain as independent as possible. Ataxia can occur in individuals of all ages, and the symptoms may differ based on the type an individual suffers from. So, here are the early warning signs associated with various types of conditions. Friedreich’s ataxia Friedreich’s ataxia is the most common type of hereditary ataxia that can be triggered by one’s inherited genes. While the symptoms may affect people at any age, it usually develops before age 25. If an individual has problems with balance and coordination or falls frequently, they might suffer from Friedreich’s ataxia. Other warning signs to look for include increasingly slurred, slow or unclear speech, difficulty swallowing, and increasing weakness in the legs. Ataxia-telangiectasia An individual affected by Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) may notice symptoms during their early childhood. Some warning signs to watch out for include trouble walking, speech, and swallowing. One may also develop small spider-like clusters of red blood vessels in the corner of their eyes and their cheeks. The person may also notice slowed eye movements and may need to turn their head often to compensate for the phenomenon.
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6 habits that increase the risk of heart diseases

6 habits that increase the risk of heart diseases

The heart is the most vital organ. From pumping blood to different organs to supplying nutrients and oxygen to the body, the heart performs several functions. A healthy heart is important for the body to function optimally and for an individual to lead a normal life. Early detection of heart diseases can help escalate the treatment process and control symptoms. Furthermore, here are certain habits to avoid for good heart health: Leading a sedentary lifestyle Studies have estimated that 35% of cases pertaining to death by coronary heart disease in the country are due to inactive lifestyles. Lack of exercise can result in the accumulation of fats in the arteries, which can cause clogging of the heart and increase the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals of all ages to exercise regularly, choosing from various workouts, such as weight training, strength training, pilates, yoga, walking and jogging, and swimming. Not having nutrition-dense foods A wholesome, nutrient-rich meal plan is imperative to facilitate a healthy heart. Fruits like bananas, apricots, berries, and oranges are packed with vitamins and essential nutrients, which can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels, promoting heart health. Whole grains, fatty fish, poultry, lentils, flaxseeds, etc., should also be incorporated into one’s meals.
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8 foods to fight bad breath

8 foods to fight bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis can be embarrassing, especially before an interview, date, or meeting. This is generally a result of bacterial growth in the mouth. Good dental hygiene can help people prevent bad breath, but the food one eats also plays a significant role. While foods like onion and garlic can worsen bad breath, several others can help fight halitosis. Here are six foods to help banish bad breath and have a healthy smile: Raw fruits and vegetables Raw fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which can help keep the mouth clean. Pick crunchy vegetables and fruits such as celery, apple, carrots, kale, etc., as these are slightly abrasive and help clean one’s mouth. They also increase saliva production, which helps fight bad bacteria in the mouth and accelerate digestion to help against halitosis. Melons and other citrus-rich fruits such as oranges and berries can also help improve gum health and fight infections such as gingivitis, which may cause bad breath. Yogurt According to studies by the American Association of Dental Research, consuming probiotic yogurt can help reduce hydrogen sulfide, which is notorious for causing bad breath. Additionally, yogurt aids digestion and is also a rich source of vitamin D, which can reduce the occurrence of bacteria in the body.
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6 warning signs of asthma

6 warning signs of asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects over 262 million people around the world. Learning about the early warning signs of asthma can help patients and their families better manage the condition. Early detection can also help in preventing asthma attacks from worsening. Further, as soon as one notices breathing difficulties, it is important to consult a doctor and work with them to develop a management plan when dealing with the condition. Persistent cough A persistent cough is one of the most common symptoms of asthma. Exposure to dust, dirt, or other irritants can easily trigger this issue, and exercising can also induce cough when dealing with asthma. While this issue could be a symptom of other conditions, if the cough develops in combination with wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, it can be an early warning sign of asthma. Wheezing Respiratory trouble is often associated with inflammation and narrowing of the airway, causing wheezing, another common sign of asthma. Wheezing noises accompany the breathing process and worsen when one has been exposed to allergens or has been exercising. Not everyone with asthma will experience this symptom, but sometimes wheezing can indicate that asthma has worsened. Shortness of breath When dealing with asthma, the airways become inflamed and narrow.
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7 unhealthy habits that can damage the liver

7 unhealthy habits that can damage the liver

The liver is an organ in the body that sits under the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen. It helps filter food and remove toxic substances from the body. The liver might suffer from damage for several reasons, including genetics. There are also other unhealthy lifestyle habits that may trigger complications of the organ. So to maintain a healthy liver and avoid serious health issues, here are seven unhealthy habits one should break. Excess sugar intake It’s a fact that sugar is unhealthy for one’s overall health. And its negative effects could impair liver function. The organ utilizes fructose, derived from sugar, to make fat. But high intake of excessive refined sugars and high fructose corn syrup may cause fatty buildups that can damage the liver. Taking herbal supplements Most herbal products may contain the word “natural.” However, certain herbal products, such as those to curb menopause symptoms or help individuals relax, might be cause for concern. They might lead to health conditions like hepatitis and liver failure. Therefore, one should speak to their healthcare before taking any herbal supplements. Intake of soft drinks While soft drinks are delicious to have occasionally, regular intake may be harmful to the liver.
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7 warning signs of blood clotting disorder

7 warning signs of blood clotting disorder

Blood clotting or coagulation is an important bodily process that helps prevent excessive bleeding after an injury. It is a natural and crucial function of the body. But sometimes, the blood clotting can be abnormal, leading to various health issues. These complications point to blood clotting disorders caused by many factors, such as an underlying health condition, genetics, or certain treatments. Some early warning signs of such disorders are listed below. Inflammation and pain A common sign of blood clotting disorder is pain and swelling in the affected area. It could be anywhere in the body – the legs, arms, or other parts like the chest and abdomen. The skin may be discolored or appear red in the affected area and feel warm to the touch. Shortness of breath Since blood clotting may easily affect blood flow, one might experience shortness of breath. Besides, if the clotting forms in the lungs, it can lead to a severe condition called pulmonary embolism, which can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated immediately. Therefore, one should always be careful of sudden breathing issues or even those that develop gradually. Pain in chest If shortness of breath is also accompanied by pain in the chest, it could be a sign of a blood clotting disorder.
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6 common habits that affect bone health

6 common habits that affect bone health

The human body produces new bone cells faster when a person is young. But as one ages, especially after 30, the bone density begins to decline. For women, maintaining bone mass is crucial to avoid developing conditions like osteoporosis. While bone deterioration with age cannot be avoided, adopting good lifestyle choices allows one to maintain optimal health at each stage of life. Here are some everyday habits that impair bone health. Bad posture Poor posture for an extended period of time puts unnecessary pressure on one’s muscles and spine. In the long run, it can worsen one’s risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition that makes the bones fragile due to tissue loss. So, one is advised to work on keeping the spine erect and aligned. Not eating calcium-rich foods Calcium is an important component that keeps the bones healthy and strong. The human body cannot make calcium; it is often taken from the foods that one eats. Not eating calcium-rich foods can adversely impact one’s bone health and increase the risk of fractures. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and dairy products are rich sources of calcium. Those who are lactose intolerant can opt for non-dairy calcium-rich alternatives like tofu, almonds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, spinach, kale, sardines, salmon, white beans, and collard greens.
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