9 questions to ask the doctor during a checkup

9 questions to ask the doctor during a checkup

Actively asking your doctor questions is one way through which you can know more about your health. It gives patients a safe space to discuss potential problems or special care needs they may have, so that a more comfortable healthcare experience can be curated. If one is too stressed to visit the physician on their own, they can take a trusted person along, and prepare a list of questions to ask the doctor. Am I at risk for any health issues? Discussing one’s lifestyle habits with the doctor (along with factors such as age and gender) can help set realistic expectations for health in the future. Doing so can also help recognize any risks or complications. Are there any additional screenings I need to undergo? Depending on one’s age and other factors, doctors may recommend additional tests or screenings such as lipid testing for cholesterol levels, hemoglobin A1c screening for diabetes, a colonoscopy, a PAP smear for cervical cancer, etc. When should I schedule my next appointment? Depending on one’s general health and lab test results, a person may be asked to return on a date sooner than their scheduled annual or bi-annual checkups. Are my physical tests (BMI, Blood pressure, heart rate/breathing signs) normal?
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8 unusual warning signs of dehydration

8 unusual warning signs of dehydration

Being thirsty is one of the most common indicators of dehydration. It happens when the body does not have enough fluid and electrolytes (such as salt and potassium) to function correctly. Dehydration, when untreated, can cause an increase in heart rate, which can strain the organ. Extreme dehydration can also lead to severe complications such as seizures, cardiac arrhythmia, or hypovolemic shock. To avoid these, understanding the warning signs of dehydration is important. Unusual signs of dehydration The most common signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty, passing dark yellow and strong-smelling urine, peeing less often than usual, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, tired, and suffering from a dry mouth. However, many unusual warning signs could also indicate the condition, some of which are listed below. Bad breath Saliva has important antibacterial properties that keep bad breath at bay. Dehydration decreases the saliva in the mouth, making it an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and cause bad breath. Drinking water can help avoid the sensation of dry mouth and prevent bad breath. Dry/flushed skin The skin may undergo various changes due to dehydration, including dry or flushed skin and sweaty skin. It may also remain “tented” when pinched and take longer to return to its usual appearance.
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5 breathing mistakes to avoid for healthy lungs

5 breathing mistakes to avoid for healthy lungs

Breathing is a vital function that supplies oxygen to the human body and gets rid of carbon dioxide. Breathing correctly promotes relaxation, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, lowers heart rate, improves mental clarity, and provides several other benefits. Unfortunately, most people do not pay attention to how they breathe, which leads to respiratory problems and lung diseases. This post discusses the common breathing mistakes one should avoid for optimal lung health. Shallow breathing Shallow breathing, also known as chest breathing, is a common mistake. In this type of breathing, the air only reaches the upper part of the lungs, which means the lower part does not receive sufficient oxygen. This can lead to shortness of breath and other lung problems. To avoid complications, one can practice deep breathing exercises that involve filling the lungs with air from the bottom to the top. Mouth breathing Mouth breathing is another common mistake, especially during physical activities like running or exercising. When one breathes through their mouth, the air does not get filtered or humidified, which can cause lung irritation and inflammation. Experts recommended breathing through the nose as much as possible, as it helps filter and humidify the air before it reaches the lungs.
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Top 7 household products that may cause skin rashes

Top 7 household products that may cause skin rashes

Many general-use items and household products can have side effects, especially for those with sensitive skin. These side effects may show up in the form of red, swollen, itchy rashes, also known as contact dermatitis. Patches of leathery skin, which may appear purple, brown, or gray are some signs of contact dermatitis. Knowing the common irritants around the house and ways to avoid them can help one avoid skin rashes. Soap Soap is one of the most common skin irritants. While washing hands helps keep germs away, washing them obsessively can strip the skin of natural oils and moisture. Those who are keen on washing their hands repeatedly may consider replacing household soaps with mild hydrating cleansers that can help them clean their hands effectively while being delicate on their skin. Household cleansers Household cleansers are also made up of harsh chemicals, which can irritate the skin. While these are extremely effective in cleaning up messes around the house, they may cause severe rashes. To prevent these, wear cleaning gloves, especially when using products like dish detergents, laundry detergents, furniture polish, drain cleaners, and toilet disinfectants. Products made of latex Latex is a natural rubber that is found in daily household items such as gloves, elastic waistbands, and even bra straps.
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Top 8 unusual eczema triggers

Top 8 unusual eczema triggers

Eczema is a chronic skin disease that causes the skin to develop lesions. Here, skin irritation and itching are usually the first two symptoms. The skin condition is fairly common, with about 31.6 million people in the country affected by one of the forms of eczema. There are several known triggers of the condition, such as allergic reactions, cold and dry weather, and pollen. Here are some lesser-known eczema triggers: Perfumes The skin can absorb and react to different skincare products. However, unlike many cosmetics, the ingredients in perfumes can trigger flare-ups in those living with one or the other form of eczema. Most perfumes contain synthetic preservatives, chemicals, specific oils, and artificial fragrances, all of which are well-known skin irritants, making perfumes one of the most surprising triggers of eczema flare-ups. Creams Certain cosmetic or skincare creams contain chemicals such as salicylic acid, retinol, and glycolic acid. Each of these three ingredients can trigger itchiness and irritation when one uses such creams for a long time. People with eczema tend to have a relatively weaker skin barrier, which causes such chemicals to seep into the topmost layer of the epidermis, leading to moisture evaporation, dryness, and itching. Clothes Harsh fabrics like wool or synthetic materials such as nylon, rayon, or polyester cause overheating, making one sweat excessively if clothes with such materials are worn for longer periods.
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7 invisible toxins that may cause skin cancer

7 invisible toxins that may cause skin cancer

Many people fail to identify the number of hidden and apparent toxins found in daily objects and surroundings. These hidden toxins can potentially contribute to numerous health concerns, including something as serious as skin cancer. It is one of the most common forms of cancer in the country today. Avoiding exposure to these hidden household toxins can help lower the risk of health issues and keep the immune system thriving. Radon Radon is a radioactive gas that can be found in homes without most people even realizing it. It especially makes its way into homes from the surrounding soil. Not only does long-term exposure to this gas increase the risk of lung cancer, but it can also contribute to the onset of skin cancer. Excessive exposure to radon gas can cause damage to DNA present in skin cells leading to mutations, eventually resulting in skin cancer. Formaldehyde Formaldehyde is a commonly used element in the manufacturing of multiple household products. These household goods include adhesives, pressed wood products, and fabrics. Additionally, personal care products and makeup products can also contain this colorless gas. Exposure to this chemical can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified formaldehyde as a carcinogen.
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8 pain types that must not be ignored

8 pain types that must not be ignored

An individual may experience aches and pains for several reasons, with one being indulging in strenuous activity, including sports and other exercises. The discomfort could affect various places of the body and may last for a short time or persist for days before the sensation subsides. However, some aches and signs might be an indicator of serious problems. Those who experience them persistently may need to visit a healthcare professional for an immediate diagnosis. Sudden eye pain The sudden onset of pain in the eyes, with or without vision changes, could indicate a severe problem that needs immediate attention. It may occur because of a damaged retina, blocked blood vessels, internal bleeding, or acute glaucoma. The pain might also be the first symptom of health conditions like shingles – a viral infection leading to a rash. Leg aches with swelling Sudden leg pain with swelling that is noticeable when one stands or walks around could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis – a clot that forms deep within the leg. If the clot breaks free, it may reach the lungs, leading to a severe health complication known as pulmonary embolism. Therefore, one should visit a specialist immediately if they experience such a condition.
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5 types of pain symptoms that should not be ignored

5 types of pain symptoms that should not be ignored

Experiencing pain is a natural part of life as it is the body’s way of telling what is wrong and what needs attention. Pain can be explained via factors like health history, environment, and an accident. It can range from mild to severe; however, if the cause of the pain isn’t evident and it is chronic, there may be underlying factors to manage. The pain’s root cause may also involve a potentially life-threatening health risk. Chest pain Any kind of chest pain tends to be associated with a heart attack, and while this may not always be true, it is important not to let chest pain go undiagnosed. There are other reasons chest pain could occur, including severe acid reflux, also called GERD, a blood clot that may have moved to the lungs or the heart, or other related illnesses. Chest pain could be followed by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dizziness, fatigue, heaviness, or tightening of the chest. Seek immediate help from a doctor to get a diagnosis and necessary treatment. Eye pain According to doctors, sudden or acute eye pain could be a sign of a detached retina, internal bleeding, or even acute glaucoma. All these conditions need immediate attention and treatment to avoid any further complications that could lead to loss of vision eventually.
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4 mistakes that could make eczema worse

4 mistakes that could make eczema worse

Itchy, dry, inflamed skin is a common symptom experienced by people with eczema. The most prevalent type of eczema, known as atopic dermatitis, affects almost 18 million people in the country, and it causes red, itchy, and scaly areas of skin all over the body. Effective prescription treatments can be employed in treating eczema, but it is also important to safeguard and hydrate a person’s skin throughout the day. Unfortunately, some of our daily lifestyle practices and inclinations may aggravate eczema symptoms. One may not even be aware of the harm they’re causing to their skin. Stay away from these common eczema mistakes to keep your skin moisturized and protected. Four mistakes eczema patients should avoid Here are the four most common mistakes that a person with eczema may make. These mistakes must be avoided to prevent the symptoms from worsening. Choosing the wrong moisturizer Instead of lotions, people with eczema should use moisturizing creams and ointments. The high oil content in creams and ointments enhances their ability to seal in moisture. In contrast, most lotions have greater water content and won’t keep the skin hydrated for as long. In humid conditions, opt for a cream rather than an ointment because the latter tends to trap heat and can make you feel worse.
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Signs that can indicate a lung condition

Signs that can indicate a lung condition

Our lungs are constantly at work. They play an important role in critical tasks like inhaling oxygen from our surroundings. Additionally, they perform several indispensable bodily functions, such as supplying the body with oxygen, eliminating excess carbon dioxide, and facilitating speech and smell. Any lung issues can cause considerable discomfort and trigger related problems. Diagnosing lung conditions early can ensure timely intervention. Here are some common indicators of lung diseases. Chronic cough Cough lasting for two months or longer is classified as chronic cough. It can eventually lead to damage of the respiratory system and may indicate lung diseases like asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also a common symptom of sinus issues and allergies. Excessive mucus Excessive mucus can be an early sign of respiratory conditions like COPD, cystic fibrosis, NTM lung disease, inflammation of the nasal passage, and bronchitis. One must consult a doctor in case of continuous mucus production over days or the presence of other symptoms like fever, cough, and sinus pain. Shortness of breath Shortness of breath that does not recede for long periods after physical exertion or workout is a cause of concern. This symptom is linked to several respiratory conditions, including asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension.
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