6 uncomfortable questions to ask a dentist

6 uncomfortable questions to ask a dentist

Dental visits, no matter how unpleasant, are essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Most dental appointments may involve routine checkups and cleanings. At times, however, you may have questions regarding procedures or habits, but any feeling of embarrassment or worry over judgment from the dentist may prevent you from asking them. To make it easier for you, here are some of the most common but uncomfortable questions that people are too shy to ask. Where does the saliva go? You may have seen the suction line during any dental procedure. This suction removes the excess saliva and tooth debris from one’s mouth and helps to keep their mouth dry, which can otherwise interfere with the treatment. The device funnels waste materials, including spit, through a filtering system that separates liquids from solids. The waste is then disposed of into the office’s wastewater system. Does the treatment have any side effects? Filings, extractions, and root canals may have potential risk factors. Some common side effects may include pain, swelling, or temporary sensitivity. By asking about the possible side effects of a treatment to your dentist, you can better prepare for any discomfort or complications that may arise after the procedure. What are the potential dental risks I should be aware of?
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5 side effects of sleep deprivation that shouldn’t be ignored

5 side effects of sleep deprivation that shouldn’t be ignored

Rest is necessary because it allows the body to repair and rejuvenate. Since sleep is the most effective form of rest, doctors recommend sleeping seven to nine hours every night. But unfortunately, as per research studies, one-third of adults in our country don’t meet this requirement. There may be several reasons for sleep deprivation. Regardless of the cause, a lack of sleep can lead to side effects that one shouldn’t ignore. Impaired cognitive function Sleep allows the brain to form new connections between nerve cells, remember and process information, and improve focus, productivity, and one’s ability to make logical decisions. A lack of sleep can severely exhaust the brain and impair cognitive function, leading to reduced coordination, delayed reactions, an unstable emotional state, and mood swings. These side effects take a toll on one’s life by increasing the risk of accidents and the probability of making errors at school and the workplace. If ignored, chronic sleep deprivation can worsen these symptoms and lead to hallucinations, anxiety, and mania. Weakened immune system The body heals and repairs itself during sleep. A lack of quality sleep can weaken a person’s immune system, making them susceptible to infections. It can also slow the recovery process from any illness.
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6 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

6 questions to ask a gastroenterologist

Digestion is a necessary and continuous body process facilitating nutrient absorption and expulsion of waste from the body. Consequently, problems with the digestive system can lead to issues like diarrhea, constipation, and nausea and eventually trigger conditions like irritable bowel disease (IBD). A gastroenterologist understands such issues and suggests treatment courses or remedies to heal digestion problems. This article provides an insight into some uncomfortable questions one should ask a gastroenterologist: What is the underlying cause of my condition? While several effective treatment options exist for various digestive disorders, symptom control is only a part of healing from such problems. The other part is understanding their underlying causes and addressing the issues. For example, a person may be intolerant to gluten, which may trigger problems like celiac disease. For example, a meal plan high in inflammation-causing foods may have led to the developing of an IBD-related condition. Thus, understanding the root cause is the first step to finding a long-term solution to a digestion issue. Will I need to undergo a colonoscopy or endoscopy? Sometimes, a colonoscopy or endoscopy is required to examine the exact issue in the digestive tract. These tests give doctors a clearer idea of the condition and help with timely diagnosis and treatment.
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6 foods to avoid during ongoing treatment

6 foods to avoid during ongoing treatment

Individuals develop various health problems during their lifetime. While some are minor, others are severe and require many days of treatment and therapy to resolve. Irrespective of the condition’s type and severity, doctors ask patients to make specific lifestyle changes to speed up recovery. One of these changes involves avoiding foods that may interfere with ongoing treatments. From milk to chocolate and soft-cooked eggs, here are six foods patients should exclude from their meals. Grapefruit While grapefruit is delicious, some may need to avoid it when on a treatment plan. This citric fruit may interfere with how the body metabolizes the treatment’s ingredients. For instance, it may increase the absorption of specific chemical elements into the bloodstream, damaging the liver and causing the muscles to break down. Grapefruit must especially be avoided by those undergoing treatments for high cholesterol and thyroid disease. Milk Another food one should avoid when following a treatment plan is milk. Dairy products are rich in calcium, which could interfere with iron-rich treatments. They could lead to the improper absorption of treatment components into the bloodstream. Besides milk, one should stay away from dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Processed meats Processed meats are high in sodium and other preservatives.
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6 unhealthy habits that can trigger or worsen headaches

6 unhealthy habits that can trigger or worsen headaches

Headaches can range from mild to severe throbbing sensations that disrupt your daily routine. Though headaches are considered normal, chronic headaches can be a cause of concern. If the headache persists even after taking many measures to manage it, it is advisable to consult a health expert. Furthermore, chronic headaches might also necessitate lifestyle changes as certain unhealthy habits can worsen the conditions. A few such bad habits to avoid are listed below. You have poor posture Your shoulders and neck can feel strained if your posture is not correct. The way a person sits, stands, and even sleep can put pressure on their back and neck. It can lead to stiffness, tightness, and tension in and around the shoulders, neck, and jaw. Unhealthy habits such as slouching while using the desk or hunching your shoulders while sitting are some examples of bad posture that can cause and worsen headaches. You are experiencing muscle tension Another common cause of headaches is muscle tension. Tensions in the back, shoulders, scalp, neck, forehead, chest, and jaw can trigger mild to severe headaches. Muscle tension can arise due to excessive stress and not taking breaks while doing tasks that demand repetitive muscle movements, including exercises, lifting, carrying heavy items, and typing.
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6 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

6 uncomfortable questions to ask a gynecologist

An appointment with a gynecologist can be unnerving for many. Irrespective of whether you’re visiting your OB/GYN for the first or the tenth time, you’ll always find it hard to discuss issues related to the most private and intimate parts of your body. However, since health is a priority, one must keep the uneasiness aside and raise concerns. Here are a few questions one might feel embarrassed to ask a gynecologist.  Is the vagina’s structure normal? Not all vaginas look the same. It is because there are several aspects that differ from one to the next. For instance, the length of the labia varies. In addition, there are variations in skin coloration and clitoral prominence. But if you are still concerned about the appearance of your vagina, you should consult your gynecologist and undergo a physical examination. Is vaginal discharge normal? You may have noticed discharge in your underwear that varies in color, thickness, and amount. It is quite normal. A healthy vaginal discharges fluids as a natural cleansing mechanism. This happens regularly, especially during the ovulation cycle right before menstruation starts. However, it is cause for concern if the discharge is excessive and smelly. It might be a sign of infection, and you need to ask your gynecologist for a diagnosis.
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5 bad habits that cause muscle cramps

5 bad habits that cause muscle cramps

Cramps are sensations of sudden and unexpected tightness in one or more muscles of the body. Also known as a “charley horse”, a muscle cramp or spasm can cause mild to severe pain lasting for a few seconds or minutes. Cramps are usually harmless and go away on their own, but in rare cases, they could be symptoms of a health condition. Here are a few bad habits that can cause cramps: Being dehydrated If one is not drinking enough water during the day, they may suffer from dehydration. The lack of enough water in the body will lower the blood pressure. This also brings down the blood volume in the body. As a result, less blood flows to the organs and muscles, leading to cramps. Such cramps are usually experienced in the abdominal area. Not maintaining electrolyte balance Electrolyte imbalance is another trigger for muscle cramps. This develops when one does not have foods or fluids containing electrolytes. Along with water, one needs to replenish electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Contrary to what most people believe, water by itself is not capable of restoring the electrolyte balance. Energy drinks or electrolyte water, fruit juices, green leafy veggies, avocados, and bananas are some of the options one can choose to replenish electrolytes.
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7 signs of high blood sugar

7 signs of high blood sugar

When one has too much glucose in the body, it is known as hyperglycemia. It generally occurs when there is too little insulin in the body or when the present insulin cannot be used effectively. This condition commonly affects people with type-1 and type-2 diabetes. However, it may also affect people who have recently had a stroke, heart attack, or severe infection. Here are some common early signs of high blood sugar one should know about: Frequent urination High blood sugar levels in the body cause the kidneys to filter out excess sugar from the blood. This increases one’s urge to urinate, particularly at night. Increased thirst (polydipsia) Increased urination causes the loss of additional water in the body, which may make one feel dehydrated and thirstier than usual. Increased hunger Often, people with diabetes cannot get enough energy from their food. This increases their urge to eat more often. Fatigue A lack of energy causes people to feel tired constantly. Headache High blood sugar levels may cause shifts in the levels of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which may trigger headaches in some people. Blurred vision Excessive sugar in the bloodstream can also damage blood vessels in the eyes, affecting one’s vision.
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6 dental issues indicating high sugar intake

6 dental issues indicating high sugar intake

Having a sweet tooth is more common in the country than one would imagine. According to a recent survey, 59% of respondents (who snack often) in the country chose cookies as their favorite snacks, with ice cream and sweets also featuring among the top 10 picks. While desserts are instant mood enhancers, excessive sugar intake triggers several health issues, which include compromised dental health. Here are a few ways in which sugar affects oral health: Dental cavities The teeth contain two types of hard tissues—enamel and dentin. When sugar enters the mouth, it may be metabolized by oral bacteria to give rise to acid, which can demineralize the enamel and the dentin, causing cavities. Food particles may enter these cavities, leading to tooth decay and further complications. Although teeth cavities may be covered with dental fillings, this process is rather expensive, accounting for 5–10% of the healthcare budget. Plaque Plaque or tartar refers to a sticky coating of bacteria on the teeth, causing bad breath, dark stains, and hard teeth deposits. Often, tartar is formed when the molecules present in sugary foods mix with one’s saliva and oral bacteria. If left untreated, tartar may dissolve the enamel and lead to the development of dental cavities.
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5 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

5 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

The human body gives out certain hidden signs to alert one of excessive sugar intake in the body, and poor eye health is one of them. Excessive consumption of refined sugar can affect one’s eyes adversely, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic eyes result from damaged blood vessels due to poorly controlled sugar levels. Here are the early signs that should prompt one to consult a doctor immediately to prevent further complications. Signs of poor eye health due to excessive sugar Excessive sugar intake can lead to diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome. Diabetic retinopathy is marked by damage to the blood vessels in the retina due to sugar, while cataract gives a cloudy vision. Dry eye syndrome can cause problems with one’s tear production. Identifying the signs of poor eye health resulting from excess sugar consumption is crucial for early intervention. Therefore, look out for the following symptoms: Blurred or fluctuating vision The primary sign of vision issues due to unstable sugar levels is blurry vision. Excess sugar intake leads to fluids getting leaked into one’s eye lens. Eye fatigue or discomfort The eyes may feel tired, achy, or heavy, especially after prolonged screen time or visual tasks. Increased sensitivity to light Individuals experiencing poor eye health due to excess sugar consumption may notice heightened sensitivity to light, known as photophobia.
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