5 foods that may help lower prostate cancer risk

5 foods that may help lower prostate cancer risk

Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate, the gland that produces seminal fluid to nourish and transport sperm. It is one of the most common cancer types and is generally confined to the gland. Nutrition can help reduce prostate cancer incidence and manage cancer progression risk. Eating healthy is associated with increased energy levels, improved recovery, and an enhanced immune system. Therefore, here are the top 5 foods to eat for better management: Berries Berries, such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are a great source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These antioxidants help to neutralize and remove free radicals, which cause oxidative stress in the body, thus aiding in the process of proper DNA replication for new cells and reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Cruciferous vegetables Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Broccoli is also a prostate superfood, as it contains glucoraphanin, a phytochemical that can target and prevent cancer growth. Cruciferous vegetables have also been linked to lower levels of inflammation, thus reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Fish Cold-water fish like salmon, snapper, sardines, and trout contain good fats (omega-3 fatty acids) that ease inflammation.
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5 early warning signs of prostate cancer to look out for

5 early warning signs of prostate cancer to look out for

The prostate is a small gland located beneath the bladder in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer develops when there’s abnormal cell growth in one’s prostate gland. The disease progresses slowly, and its early stages are mainly asymptomatic. The chance of successful treatment is highest while the cancer is still confined to the gland. If left untreated, however, it can cause many health complications. Here are a few early signs that should prompt a prostate cancer screening. Early signs of prostate cancer Early stages of prostate cancer usually have no visible signs, but those in more advanced stages may exhibit the following symptoms: Issues with urination and bladder control The prostate gland is in proximity to the bladder, and the urethra responsible for one’s urination and sexual activity. So, one may feel the urge to empty one’s bladder more frequently or experience a burning sensation or pain while urinating. The urine flow may be weak and one may find it challenging to start or stop the flow. One may also find blood in urine or semen and a sudden shift in one’s usual bowel habits. Fatigue and nausea Cancerous cells consume a lot of energy and leave one feeling fatigued and nauseous.
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8 foods to avoid with multiple myeloma

8 foods to avoid with multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma or white blood cell cancer. The primary function of plasma cells is to develop antibodies to help fight infections. However, in the case of MM, healthy cells convert to abnormal ones, causing the production of antibodies called M proteins and indicating MM’s onset. A healthy lifestyle and curated meal plan are essential while undergoing treatment. Here’s a list of some foods patients with multiple myeloma must avoid: Raw meat Raw meat contains harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria, which can cause food poisoning and weaken the immune system. Such foods can worsen MM symptoms, as patients with this condition already suffer from low immunity. Unpasteurized milk Like raw meat, unpasteurized or raw milk also contains harmful bacteria like Campylobacter, E. Coli, Listeria, and Brucella. In addition, it can pose serious health risks to all individuals, particularly those already suffering from debilitating health conditions like MM. Deep-fried foods Fried foods contain high levels of trans and saturated fats, increasing one’s risk for lifestyle diseases like cholesterol and cardiovascular conditions. Since individuals with MM do not have healthy antibodies, they are more susceptible to such health risks than others. Thus, it is advisable for patients with MM to avoid deep-fried foods, replacing them with sauteed, steamed, or boiled alternatives.
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8 worst cities that persons prone to allergies must avoid

8 worst cities that persons prone to allergies must avoid

Reports suggest that over 50 million people in the country suffer from different allergies each year, causing allergies to emerge as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. Allergies may have many underlying causes, including hay fever, dust mites, medicines, certain foods, and pollution. Further, unfavorable environmental conditions can adversely affect individuals prone to allergies. Have a look at our list of the worst cities in the country for persons with allergies: Scranton Scranton has emerged as the allergy capital of the country, being ranked the worst city for people suffering from or susceptible to allergies. One of the primary causes of allergies in Scranton is the city’s higher-than-average concentration of spring and fall pollen. Several individuals react negatively to pollen, developing infections and allergies. Thus, individuals with allergies must avoid moving into Scranton for work. Bakersfield Bakersfield, with annual particular matter (PM) levels of 2.5, is classified as among the most polluted cities in the country. Studies have demonstrated that outdoor air pollution can exacerbate one’s allergies. Consequently, living in a city like Bakersfield can affect one’s health, particularly if one is vulnerable to allergic reactions. New Haven New Haven, which houses the prestigious Yale University, is another no-no for individuals with allergies, primarily due to its poor air quality and high humidity.
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9 allergens that cause breathing difficulty

9 allergens that cause breathing difficulty

Airborne allergens are the main culprits that trigger seasonal and chronic respiratory disorders. A person can experience difficulty breathing, coughing, sore throat, wheezing, and inflammation of the nasal passage just to name a few of the discomforts. Some prescriptions can help manage moderate to severe symptoms of such allergies. Also, mild symptoms can be managed by avoiding these nine common allergens that are found in breeding indoors and outdoors. Some of them are: Pollution Particulate pollution has become one of the major triggers of respiratory disorders in urban cities. Any form of exhaust smoke, be it from vehicular or industrial pollution, can trigger inflammation in the nasal passages. This inflammation causes shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness, indicating an allergic reaction. Dust mites Dust and dust mites are two different things. Dust indoors is mostly dead skin cells and atmospheric residue that settles on surfaces. However, dust mites are microscopic bugs that breed on difficult-to-reach surfaces and multiply rapidly. Inhaling these microscopic particles can irritate and inflame the respiratory passage lining. Pollen Pollen is one of the most common airborne allergens in the country, accounting for most cases of respiratory disorders. Pollen is released by the male part of the flower to pollenate female flowers and produces seeds.
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8 warning signs that indicate excess sugar intake

8 warning signs that indicate excess sugar intake

Sugar is a soluble carbohydrate that is often added to most of our foods. This is what makes delicacies like cookies, chocolates, brownies, and cakes delicious. However, eating too many foods rich in sugars can deteriorate your overall health. The compound may cause health conditions and complications like tiredness, build-up of visceral fat, diabetes, and heart disease. So, here are eight signs of excess sugar intake to look out for. Feelings of irritability Studies indicate that eating foods with too much sugar may lead to irritability, stress, and moodiness. Sugar-rich foods contain less protein and fats which may lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. In turn, the body will rush to process the compounds and cause the energy levels to crash. Foods don’t taste sweet anymore Sometimes you may feel that the sugar-laden foods you consume are not as sweet as it once was. It may be an indication that you are consuming too much sugar. You may also find yourself less satisfied when you consume foods with low sugar content. Excess visceral fat Sugar is also known to affect leptin, a hormone that signals the brain when you have enough to eat. And processed snacks are rich in sugar but low in protein, healthy fats, and fibers.
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6 uncommon eczema types and their signs

6 uncommon eczema types and their signs

Eczema is a health condition that triggers dry, inflamed, and itchy skin. While it may occur at any age, it is more common in younger individuals. Moreover, it is a chronic disease that may also flare up on more than one occasion. There are various types of eczema that are less common in individuals and come with unusual signs that one ought to know about. Here are six uncommon eczema types and their symptoms. Nummular eczema Coin-like spots are the result of nummular eczema. This type of dermatitis occurs on the legs, hands, or forearms. Other signs of nummular eczema include dry skin between the patches. One may also develop tiny bumps that develop after a skin injury. These patches get crusty and merge to form scaly coin shapes, a clear indicator of eczema. Stasis dermatitis Sometimes individuals may experience stasis dermatitis, which is associated with blood flow problems like varicose veins. The condition occurs in the lower legs and around the ankles. One of the first signs an individual with stasis dermatitis may experience is dry, discolored skin over the affected veins. They may also experience itchiness that spreads to the top of the foot. Another symptom associated with stasis dermatitis is swelling or discomfort in the leg or ankle that subsides when the individual sleeps but worsens during the day.
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5 foods to avoid to reduce migraine headaches

5 foods to avoid to reduce migraine headaches

Migraine headaches are physically and emotionally taxing. While a person can withstand a single migraine headache with resilience, frequent migrainous episodes can break even those with the strongest spirits. Often, the foods a person eats act as triggers causing such headaches. Therefore, migraine experiencers need to cut out certain foods from their daily meals to keep painful headaches at bay for longer. Here are the 5 foods to avoid for people with migraine: Coffee Caffeine is a major trigger of migraines. One may find it challenging to steer clear of caffeine, as it is found in several foods such as tea, coffee, and chocolate. Coffee contains massive amounts of caffeine. Therefore, one must avoid consuming excessive amounts of coffee during the day. Caffeine is not entirely bad for people living with migraines. However, such people need to consume coffee in moderation. Instead of coffee, one can consider consuming black or green tea, which contains relatively smaller amounts of caffeine. Teriyaki Fermented soy foods also rank highly on any list of foods to avoid for migraine experiencers. Teriyaki, like miso, soy sauce, or tempeh, is a fermented soy product. This means that teriyaki has large amounts of tyramine, which commonly triggers migraine headaches not long after consumption.
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Understanding the essentials about menopause

Understanding the essentials about menopause

Menopause is a stage at which the woman stops going through menstrual cycles. It is only considered menopause if you have not had your period for at least 12 months. In the US, the average age for it to occur is 51, but it can start as early as your 40s. It is a biological process that occurs naturally but, due to certain symptoms it causes, it can lead to disruptions in your daily schedule and life. Stages of menopause Menopause has three different stages, as given below. Perimenopause Before the actual menopause starts, the women’s body goes into the process of shifting from natural menstruation and ovulation cycle to permanent infertility. This stage is known as perimenopause. It generally starts in your 40s, but some women may experience it in their 30s too. The symptoms include irregular periods, sleep problems, and hot flashes. Menopause If you have not had your period in one year, then the perimenopause is over, and the actual menopause stage begins. You cannot get pregnant once you enter this stage. Postmenopause The years that follow are the postmenopause stage. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause start to subside in most cases. You start to regain your energy levels and feel more emotionally stable.
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6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

Dementia is a psychological condition involving the progressive loss of cognitive abilities, including memory, reasoning, concentration, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Many patients with dementia show behavioral changes and mood swings, hallucinate, and get disorientated and irritable. Besides early diagnosis and timely treatment, constant care, family support, and some lifestyle changes can contribute to healing from dementia. Here are some foods that can help individuals prevent and manage dementia symptoms: Spinach Spinach contains high levels of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent loss of cognitive functions. Moreover, several studies have drawn associations between the intake of spinach and other leafy greens and the prevention of cognitive decline. Spinach can be added to stir-fries, gravies, soups, smoothies, etc. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are packed with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have demonstrated a decline in DHA levels among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia. Thus, a meal plan rich in DHA can help reduce one’s susceptibility to these psychological conditions. A daily intake of 200 mg of DHA is recommended for brain health. Broccoli Being a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is rich in carotenoids and vitamin B. These components can reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid known to contribute to cognitive decline and related psychological conditions in the body.
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