8 lesser-known facts about the liver

8 lesser-known facts about the liver

Considered the second-largest organ in the body, the liver plays an extremely important role in a variety of functions. It is key to the body’s metabolism; and helps burn fat and maintain body weight. It is located above the stomach and beneath the diaphragm, its size similar to that of a football. While such information is common knowledge, there are a few not-so-known facts about this organ. Read on to find out more: It is the only organ that can regenerate Unlike any other organ, the liver has the miraculous ability to regenerate and regrow, needing just 25 percent of the original tissue to do so. According to a study, evolutionary safeguards are responsible for this effect, which is a central concept behind liver transplants. It is the body’s detox center The liver filters everything we eat and drink, ridding the body of the materials that are not meant for it. It first burns toxins using enzymes and oxygen. This is followed by the second step, which combines toxins with amino acids that are later flushed out through urine or bile. It is multifunctional Identified as one of the most complex organs in the body, the liver performs hundreds of vital functions.
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3 simple tips to cope with menopausal mood swings

3 simple tips to cope with menopausal mood swings

Most women experience menopause during their late 40s or early 50s when the ovaries stop producing eggs and two primary hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Menopause is confirmed after 12 consecutive months of no menstruation, and women experience several symptoms associated with hormonal changes during this time. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings are known to accompany menopause, along with disturbances in sleeping patterns. Women can have a tough time coping with mood swings in particular, as there is no telling what might trigger them and when. The following tips can help manage menopausal mood swings to a great extent at home: Manage stress and depression Menopause brings about several changes in both the mind and body, which can result in higher stress levels. Also, during the pre- and post-menopausal years, women are more vulnerable to experiencing depression and depressive symptoms. These problems can also affect women who have never faced depression or had a history of psychological disorders. At such times, women can seek the help of a professional psychiatrist to identify and help manage clinical depression. Dealing with stress also includes finding the time and energy to take care of one’s own needs. It is crucial for women dealing with menopausal changes to take things slowly and easily, and they must avoid overthinking and overworking themselves.
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4 foods that can boost mental health

4 foods that can boost mental health

You might have heard people saying “you are what you eat,” but do you know what it means? The connection between food and mood comes from the relationship between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract, which houses bacteria that influence the production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit messages to the brain. Consuming specific foods enhances the development of bacteria that positively affects neurotransmitter production, boosting mental health and reducing anxiety and depression. Here are a few foods that boost the production of “good” bacteria and enhance mental wellbeing: Raw foods and fruits and veggies Eating fresh foods and veggies regularly is the first step to ensuring long-term positive effects on mental health. Researchers have found compelling evidence that people who consume more fruits and vegetables show fewer depressive symptoms and experience lower stress levels as compared to those who eat more canned, cooked, and processed food. Studies have also revealed that people who consume raw food are usually happier and feel more satisfied and fulfilled in life. These foods include leafy greens like kale, spinach, collard greens, carrots, apples, bananas, kiwifruit, and grapefruit. Yogurt People across the world prefer yogurt for the added benefit of probiotics. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that assist the digestive system to function smoothly.
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5 simple tips for better oral hygiene

5 simple tips for better oral hygiene

Maintaining oral hygiene is an important aspect of your overall health care routine, and just brushing and flossing does not ensure it. Going for routine dental checkups, making a few lifestyle and dietary changes, and regularly monitoring your pearly whites reduce the risk of mouth and teeth problems like decay, gum disease, gingivitis, and chipping of the teeth enamel. While some signs of a developing oral health issue are obvious, many others may go unnoticed until it’s too late. Pay attention to these common signs of mouth and teeth related problems and follow an effective oral hygiene routine to prevent these issues in the first place. Look out for any physical signs of teeth decay Regularly check for signs of persistent bad breath, plaque and tartar buildup, or red and swollen gums that may indicate a developing infection. Noticing these visual indicators early helps understand the problem so that you can book an appointment for a dental checkup. Periodic dental checkups should anyway be part of your health care routine to ensure proper mouth and teeth care. Check for broken or chipped teeth Several things can chip your teeth and expose the dentin. In many cases, you might not even notice it, as it doesn’t necessarily cause pain.
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Easy ways to identify signs of pain in pets

Easy ways to identify signs of pain in pets

Pain is something that is difficult to identify, especially in pets. Mostly, dogs have a survival instinct to hide their pain, and it is your responsibility as their primary caregiver to understand what the problem might be. Dogs may experience acute or chronic pain from underlying medical conditions or an injury. And it is not always the case that the source of the pain is easily identifiable or visible. In other cases, most dogs do one of the following things to indicate a problem. Knowing how to respond during this time will certainly help you stay prepared to administer a proper pain management procedure. Here are a few signs and ways to identify if your furry little friend is suffering from some discomfort. Check for physical indicators Dogs have a tendency to hold their big ears flat against the head when in pain. Notice how the same ears are straight and alert when the canine is active. Similarly, when he or she keeps the ears fall flat for a long period, it is an indicator that something might be wrong. If the pain persists, they tend to get vocal by whimpering or making loud unusual sounds. Constantly licking a certain area on their body is a conscious effort on their part to soothe the wound or irritation that is causing pain.
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Here’s what you need to know to understand multiple sclerosis

Here’s what you need to know to understand multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune and potentially disabling disease. The signs and symptoms of the disease are severe in some cases. Most people experience a much milder form of MS with long periods of remission. MS also has no cure, hence it is important to stay informed. Read on to find out more about MS- it’s symptoms, types and treatment methods. What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system that is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. In this condition, the body’s immune system affects the protective covering (myelin) of the nerve fibers, causing problems between the brain and the rest of the body. As the disease progresses, it can lead to complete debilitation and disability. Considering that MS is actually an autoimmune disease, the cause of the disease is still a mystery. But, scientists believe that multiple sclerosis can be triggered by a bunch of different environmental and genetic factors. Types of multiple sclerosis There are two types of MS: Relapsing-remitting MS Relapsing-remitting MS is a condition wherein the person will experience episodes of worsening symptoms. These episodes are followed by a period of remission which can last for years at a time.
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6 foods that help relieve pregnancy symptoms

6 foods that help relieve pregnancy symptoms

Following conception, pregnancy symptoms can be detected as early as two weeks. Nausea, fatigue and irregular cravings, among others are valid indicators of the possible onset of pregnancy. A pregnancy test will be required to confirm it. Once that happens, most of these symptoms still persist and cause real discomfort to the expecting mother. Dietary changes can help manage the pregnancy symptoms, with some of the most potent ones mentioned below: Ginger tea In the first trimester of pregnancy, women often suffer from nausea and vomiting. It can sometimes last all day for certain women, starting around the sixth week of pregnancy and lasting until the 12th week. Ginger root contains specific chemicals that help ease some of this discomfort. Gingerols and shogaols – two compounds found in ginger, are thought to act as receptors in the digestive system and help empty the stomach. Additionally, ginger is known to relieve pain due to uterine cramping. Banana Besides providing some beneficial nutrients and minerals to the mother and the child, bananas also impart comfort by easing some of the pregnancy symptoms. It helps prevent constipation problems, controls abdominal bloating, and smoothens bowel movement. Women also suffer from loss of appetite during pregnancy, and eating bananas helps boost their urge to eat.
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Unusual sexual conditions you did not know existed

Unusual sexual conditions you did not know existed

Many sexual diseases and disorders are commonly known, some easily treatable, others fairly straightforward to manage with simple lifestyle changes, and proper medication. Men and women are equally susceptible to the problems associated with these disorders. However, there are a number of sexual conditions that often go unreported as people may get embarrassed talking about it. While the severity of the condition varies greatly, it is up to the affected people to consult with a medical professional to determine the proper course of treatment. For this, one needs to understand the possible complications that can arise from the following sexual conditions. Sleep sex Medically known as sexsomnia, sleep sex is a documented condition but not very common. Either one of the partners may have the condition that prompts them to engage in physical activity while being asleep. However, men are more prone to the effects of sleep sex, wherein they might not remember engaging in the activity the next morning unless the partner confides. The triggers of the condition are not fully known. One can make certain changes in their sleeping hygiene, refrain from alcohol, or take medications to avoid frequent episodes of the condition. If the condition still persists, you should consider consulting your doctor.
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Prevent these infant skin issues to keep your baby’s skin flawless

Prevent these infant skin issues to keep your baby’s skin flawless

As a new parent, it can be terrifying to discover that your little one’s skin has rashes, spots, and bumps within weeks. But no need to worry much, as most of these skin problems are harmless. They can either be treated or disappear on their own if you don’t mess with them. If you’re new parents, you must know about a few skin issues your baby might face and what to do when they pop up. So, let’s look at some of the most common skin problems in babies: Baby acne It’s a common condition that affects about 20 percent of newborns. It can be present at the time of the baby’s birth or pop up within the next 2-4 weeks and last for a few days, weeks, or months. Although the exact cause of baby acne is unknown, researchers believe that it’s stimulated by the mother’s or infant’s hormones. Treating baby acne is the easiest—you have to let it be and do nothing. Don’t touch or squeeze them or try to treat them with medicated soap. Just wash your baby’s face with water two or three times every day and gently pat it dry. Diaper rash If your baby’s soft butt is all sore and red, they’re most probably experiencing diaper rash.
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Parkinson’s disease – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and more

Parkinson’s disease – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and more

As we age, our body changes both physically and mentally. We become prone to a lot of diseases. One of them is Parkinson’s disease. People who develop Parkinson’s at times begin to show early signs from the age of 50. These early symptoms are mild and can go unnoticed. Hence, it is important to stay informed about Parkinson’s disease. Read to know more. What is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the brain. The disease affects the nerve cells that are in charge of producing dopamine. It causes tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, and loss in coordination. The disease progresses over time and leads to behavioral changes, depression, memory loss, and even fatigue. What are the causes and risk factors of Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is the result of brain cells dying or becoming impaired. These cells produce dopamine and if the brain cells produce low amounts of the chemical, it can affect the movement of the body. Unfortunately, even science does not know the reason behind the degradation of the neurons. Despite this, they have managed to note down possible causes and risk factors for Parkinson’s disease. Genetic predisposition Research has shown that people who have Parkinson’s disease, tend to have a certain genetic mutation.
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