Managing immune thrombocytopenia – Foods to eat and avoid

Managing immune thrombocytopenia – Foods to eat and avoid

Immune thrombocytopenia or ITP is a disease that is often characterized by low platelet count in the body, where the patients may find themselves bleeding profusely due to frequent bruising. It is an immune condition against the body’s platelets that can cause immense stress and discomfort, managed by proper treatment and lifestyle changes. Other issues that can be faced due to the illness include bleeding gums and internal bleeding.  What is immune thrombocytopenia? It is a blood disorder that is often diagnosed by a decrease in the number of platelets in the body. Platelets are the cells that help circulate blood from one part of the body to another. These tiny cells come together when they identify damaged blood vessels and cause the blood to clot and stop its outward flow. However, in patients suffering from immune thrombocytopenia, fewer platelets can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, weakness, and other problems.  Foods to eat In addition to seeking advice from a healthcare professional and following the treatment plan set by them, the patients can also choose to make certain lifestyle changes, including food habits, to help ease the problems caused by the illness. These changes may help in increasing the platelet count and lessen their stress .  Let’s look at some of the foods that can help manage the effects of immune thrombocytopenia.
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6 foods that help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis

6 foods that help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis is a group of diseases that can cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints and can end up affecting people of all ethnic backgrounds, genders, and ages. Arthritis is of different types. One of the common types is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease wherein the joints come under attack by the immune system. Another common type is osteoarthritis, which develops due to overuse of the joints. Fortunately, there are certain foods that can help manage the condition effectively by relieving joint pain and also by easing any inflammation caused. Listed below are some of the best foods that can help people suffering from arthritis manage the condition more effectively. Fatty fish Fatty fish such as trout, sardines, mackerel, and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids that possess potent anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that people consuming fatty fish showed decreased levels of specific inflammation-related compounds, less morning stiffness, and joint pain intensity. Fatty fish are also rich in vitamin D, which can help prevent symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. According to the AHA (American Heart Association), including a minimum of around two servings of fatty fish in one’s diet helps fight against inflammation effectively. Garlic Garlic and its components are full of health benefits as they possess cancer-fighting properties and are also responsible for lowering the risks of dementia and heart disease.
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Sickle cell anemia – Causes and warning signs

Sickle cell anemia – Causes and warning signs

Sickle cell anemia is a class of genetic conditions known as sickle cell disease. Such conditions change the structure of red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. Normally, these cells are rounded and flexible, easily passing through blood vessels. However, sickle- or crescent-shaped red blood cells can harden and tether in sickle cell anemia, limiting blood flow and threatening one’s health. Here, we discuss the causes and warning signs of this condition. Causes of sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia is a genetic condition from one’s biological parents. The gene responsible for producing healthy red blood cells undergoes alteration. This risk factor affects people who receive the defective hemoglobin protein gene from both biological parents. The sickle cell trait is present in people who receive the altered gene from one biological parent. A healthy individual who carries the disease in the form of just one gene is referred to as a “carrier.” If an expecting mother and the father are carriers, there is a higher probability that the infant will have sickle cell anemia. Warning signs of sickle cell anemia Usually, sickle cell anemia symptoms appear around the age of six months. They can differ from person to person and evolve through time.
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Warning signs associated with the development of blood pressure

Warning signs associated with the development of blood pressure

The force of blood pushing against the artery walls is blood pressure. Sometimes the pressure in the arteries is much higher than it should be, known as high blood pressure (hypertension). At other times this pressure is weak and considered low blood pressure (hypotension). In both scenarios, blood pressure development can result in health complications. Its slow progressive nature is also why one must look for the signs of unusual blood pressure and seek appropriate treatments. Warning signs of high blood pressure Several signs of high blood pressure may misidentify as symptoms of another condition. A few signs may include nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, breathlessness, and heart palpitations. The other warning signs of high blood pressure are: Subconjunctival hemorrhage Subconjunctival hemorrhage, also known as red spots in the eyes, occurs when blood leaks between the layers of the eye. The phenomenon causes bright red patches over the white regions of the eye and is often triggered by increased blood pressure. These spots may also appear without any identifiable cause by detecting damage to the optic nerve. A healthcare expert might associate the subconjunctival hemorrhage with high blood pressure. Dizziness Dizziness and feeling slightly off balance occur when there is a lack of oxygen supply to the brain.
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7 warning signs that indicate ulcerative colitis development

7 warning signs that indicate ulcerative colitis development

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects one’s large intestine. It can inflame or cause ulcers in one’s rectum and colon, which is the inner lining of the large intestine. The disease has no known cure, but there are certain treatments as well as lifestyle and food habits that can reduce its flare-ups. Below are some signs of ulcerative colitis that should prompt one to consult a doctor immediately. Warning signs of ulcerative colitis development Abdominal discomforts like cramps, nausea, and bloating If abdominal discomfort like excessive gas, nausea, cramping, or bloating occurs frequently and persists for days without any significant lifestyle changes, it may be an early sign of ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea which may contain blood, mucus, pus Diarrhea that contains blood, mucus, or pus is another common sign of ulcerative colitis. Fever and loss of appetite An inexplicable high temperature that lasts more than a day or two can be a sign of a more serious health issue. Additionally, patients with ulcerative colitis might also find it difficult to build up an appetite on a daily basis. Rectal bleeding If one finds spotting or blood in one’s stool while defecating, it’s an alarming sign of ulcerative colitis.
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5 glaring signs of developing psoriasis

5 glaring signs of developing psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder affecting nearly 8 million adults in the country. Psoriasis affects adults between the ages of 20 and 30 or older seniors between the ages of 50 and 60. There is no cure for the condition, but it is possible to manage the symptoms with healthy nutrition, lifestyle habits, and topical remedies. But first, one must pay attention to these visible signs and narrow down their type before exploring treatment. Skin patches and rashes Commonly observed among people who develop plaque psoriasis, these raised patches and rashes develop with a thickness that is clearly visible on the skin. Plaques can develop anywhere on the skin but generally tend to be prevalent on the scalp, lower back, knees, and elbows. Plaques also vary in size and continue to spread around the affected area. A clear silver coating over these raised skin patches is also a clear indicator of plaque psoriasis. Small bleeding blisters A persistent itch is hard to resist as the symptoms continue to develop. However, scratching the patches or skin in the affected area will also cause it to blister. These puss-filled bumps that are often salmon pink in color around the area contain a clear fluid filing at the center and are commonly observed in many types of psoriasis.
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4 Frequently Asked Questions regarding Medicare and its coverage

4 Frequently Asked Questions regarding Medicare and its coverage

Medicare is a  federal health insurance plan available for people over 65, those with disabilities, and individuals with ESRD. It ensures that people needing high-quality, inexpensive healthcare coverage receive it. However, the various regulations involved in Medicare can make it confusing. If you are eligible to receive its benefits, you should know its coverage and, more importantly, its limitations. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Medicare that might help clear confusion. I spent more than six months in a nursing home after a crucial surgery. Will Medicare cover my medical costs? The Original Medicare, a fee-for-service health plan provided by the federal government and Medicare Advantage, does not cover long-term care expenses. Unfortunately, this also includes long-term stays at nursing homes. Usually, long-term care involves some of the highest healthcare costs, especially for retirees. Basically, Medicare does cover limited stays in rehab facilities. For example, Medicare will cover your costs if you undergo hip surgery and need inpatient therapy for multiple weeks. However, the prices of long-term stays at a nursing home are beyond Med icare. To address this, you can consider buying private long-term care insurance. Or, if you have limited savings and income, you can check if other federal health programs can assist you.
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Things to Know When Buying Medigap Plans

Things to Know When Buying Medigap Plans

You can get the best deals on Medicare health insurance policies during specific periods in the year. Similarly, there are some norms associated with the purchase of this insurance. As per the rules and regulations levied by Medicare, you’re not allowed to buy health insurance plans at the same rates around the year. This brings up the question, when is the best time to buy Medicare supplement plans? Read along to find out more about this. Buy on first eligibility The best time to get yourself a Medicare supplement plan is when you become eligible to make the purchase for the first time. The initial 6-month window is listed as the most favorable time to buy Medigap supplement plans from the official Medicare website. This window will open when you turn 65 years old and are already enrolled in the Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance). During this period, you can buy Medicare supplement plans that are sold in your state. You can make the purchase even if you have a pre-existing health condition. On the expiry of this 6-month period, you might not be allowed to purchase a Medicare supplement plan. Even if you are eligible for coverage, it might cost you a lot more than the original price of the policy.
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5 foods to avoid for boosting lung health

5 foods to avoid for boosting lung health

In an era of rising pollution levels and novel respiratory disorders, keeping the lungs healthy can be a challenge for many. While exercising and frequent physical screenings can help, what a person eats is equally critical for their respiratory health. Certain foods, such as apples, tomatoes, and blueberries, are great for the lungs. On the flip side, some foods can seriously degrade lung health in the long term. So let’s look at such foods. Ice cream Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt can worsen asthma and its symptoms in patients. Milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamins. However, milk products also have casomorphin, a chemical that has been known to increase the mucus quantity in the intestines. Ice cream is arguably the worst of them all, as overeating can inflame the respiratory tract tissues and produce excessive mucus in the lungs. Ice creams contain refined sugar, which makes them one of the worst foods for the lungs. Chocolate Speaking of sugar, chocolate also contains high amounts of artificial sweeteners, sugar, and a surprisingly low number of nutrient elements. Additionally, it has caffeine, which rapidly increases the heart rate of a person. Like milk and other dairy products, sugar is also an inflammatory agent.
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Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis – Foods to avoid and management options

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis – Foods to avoid and management options

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis can make it challenging for people to get the proper nutrition their body needs. However, the body may not digest or absorb the nutrients well, leading to malnutrition and other deficiencies. To avoid these troubles, it is essential to know the foods that can trigger inflammation and lead to flare-ups in people with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and their treatment options. Foods to avoid for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Some foods can trigger IBD symptoms and worsen inflammation. However, there’s no single chart that applies to every person with IBD. The condition can change over time. To understand current triggers, try to maintain a food diary to help patients track their state over time. Common culprits that may trigger flares of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis include: Caffeine Caffeinated drinks like coffee can worsen Crohn’s and UC symptoms, like diarrhea and stomach pain, by speeding up gut motility. Carbonated drinks Carbonation is gassy and can cause bloating, which can be an unpleasant symptom of IBD. Crunchy nut butter Nuts are sharp and complex to digest, irritating the lining of the intestines; therefore, opt for smooth nut butter instead.
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