Hemophilia – Early signs and ways to manage the condition

Hemophilia – Early signs and ways to manage the condition

Hemophilia is a condition wherein the blood does not clot as there are insufficient clotting proteins present. This is a rare disorder. While small cuts and wounds may not be an issue, serious injuries can be even more life threatening due to lack of blood clotting factors that prevent a person from bleeding out completely. Hemophilia is usually a genetic disorder. Let us look at some symptoms and treatment options. Symptoms Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary from person to person. Depending on the level of clotting factors in an individual, they can experience mild to severe symptoms. Some may bleed excessively and profusely even after small cuts or injuries, including dental work and surgery. Others can be prone to many large or deep bruises frequently. Bleeding after vaccinations is also common in some people. In other cases, one may notice blood in the urine or stool along with having erratic nosebleeds. Some people may also feel pain, swelling, and some stiffness in the joints. An uncommon symptom of hemophilia involves bleeding in the brain, which can cause severe complications to one’s health. For those with severe hemophilia, a bump on the head can be responsible for bleeding into the brain. A person suffering from this may experience prolonged, painful headaches; double vision; sleepiness; exhaustion; and lethargy.
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6 reasons for missing periods while on birth control

6 reasons for missing periods while on birth control

Many women resort to birth control pills to control their pregnancy chances and timings. Some women may experience withdrawal bleeding or spotting. However, in some cases, a lapse in monthly menstruation can occur while consistently using oral contraceptives (OCPs). There are many reasons for this to happen. Fret not! Read on to find out the various factors that could be the cause of missing your period while on birth control pills.  Eating habits Drastic changes in the amount and type of food being consumed can be one of the reasons for missing your periods while on birth control. Changes in eating habits and patterns can cause significant changes in the levels and functions of your hormones, subsequently leading to changes in the menstrual cycle. The hormonal imbalance and changes in ovulation may lead to missed or delayed periods while on birth control. Stress Stress is among the more common causative factors of absent periods. It can also lead to longer or shorter cycles. Studies suggest these changes can be attributed to excessive cortisol secretion in the body. The extra cortisol produced due to stress causes shorter or missed periods that can happen even when on birth control. Regulating missed periods because of stress includes practicing stress-relieving techniques such as meditation, stretching, breathing exercises, and yoga.
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When to drink water for maximum benefits

When to drink water for maximum benefits

It does not matter if the temperature outside is warm or cool. Drinking lots of water during the day is rewarding to your body. Not drinking enough fluids can lead to dehydration and symptoms like low blood pressure, confusion, and dizziness. In this article, you will find tips on the ideal time to drink water. Following these tips can help your body make the best use of the life-saving liquid. Drink water before and during meals Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal can help control the overconsumption of food. When you drink water, you may feel full and can resist the urge to overeat. Furthermore, drinking water while eating a meal, especially foods rich in fibers, helps with digestion. The fibers move through the digestive system and absorb water. Down a glass when you wake up There is no water entering the body when you are asleep, and you may wake up dehydrated. Therefore, drinking water when you get up in the morning can help you stay hydrated. Consuming the healthy liquid when you wake up also ensures the flushing of harmful toxins before eating the first meal. Drinking warm water before a bath benefits your blood pressure While it may seem odd at first, drinking warm water before a bath can work wonders for your body.
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The link between hormones and migraine headaches

The link between hormones and migraine headaches

Headaches are one of the most common discomforts experienced by individuals. There are many different types of headaches and several known triggers, ranging from side effects of prescriptions to external environmental factors. However, statistics indicate that women are three times more likely than men to experience frequent headaches or migraines due to hormonal changes. Here is a brief overview of how these headaches develop and what to do to manage them. Hormonal triggers of migraine headaches among women Menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and even hormone replacement therapy are some of the known hormonal triggers of migraine headaches. Headaches experienced during menstruation Menstruation is the periodic shedding of the uterus lining and is a regular occurrence once a girl starts ovulating. During monthly menstrual cycles, estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest in the body. These hormonal changes can trigger migraine headaches. Headaches during pregnancy Some women may experience their first bout of migraine attacks early on in pregnancy. The body releases high amounts of estrogen to support the baby’s development. There is a lot of hormonal fluctuation between trimesters, leading to headaches. Headaches during menopause Menopause marks the end of regular menstruation. Some women opt for hormone replacement therapy to prevent or manage hot flashes and associated symptoms that develop during this time.
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5 foods that can lead to poor eyesight

5 foods that can lead to poor eyesight

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the performance of different organs, including the eyes. Our eyes are made up of vascular tissue, which means the foods that are unhealthy for the heart are unhealthy for the eyes too. The tiny capillaries in the eyes supply the retina with oxygen and nutrients to keep it healthy. However, foods rich in unhealthy fats can block these blood vessels, compromising eye function and leading to vision problems. French fries French fries are often made in the same oil and even reheated multiple times, leading to molecular changes that increase the concentration of harmful fats. A high amount of these fats affects the eyes, heart, and other organs. Also, free radicals in fried foods increase oxidation in the body, which can damage the eyes. Margarine Margarine is often advertised as the healthier butter, but it is rich in trans fats— the fat that increases bad cholesterol levels. Increased cholesterol leads to blockages in arteries and other blood vessels, restricting the flow of oxygen, blood, and nutrients. It, in turn, can increase the risk of eye diseases. Healthy alternatives to margarine are coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil. Processed meat Highly processed meats, like sausages, bacon, and hot dogs, are convenient snacking options.
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6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid

6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid

Planning daily meals is a hands-on task, especially when cooking from scratch. But, this task is even more time-consuming when following a strict food regime like keto. Starting a keto-based habit for the first time is challenging as certain foods need to be omitted and substituted to achieve ketosis. So, here is a list of beginner mistakes to avoid to plan an effective keto meal plan strategy in the long run. 6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid Not portioning meals properly Since a lot of foods in the new regime get substituted, it is necessary to weight, measure, prep, and portion out everything to ensure nutrition levels are met. Also, once the body gets used to the process of ketosis, it becomes even more crucial to follow a strict calorie count. Nutritionists recommend prepping and storing most days meals in advance so that less time is lost in cooking. Keto meal delivery services tend to portion meals out as per individual requirement and can be of use in these cases. Not working out Simply including low-carb and low-calorie foods is not enough for loss of body mass. It is easy to quickly shed off water weight but post that, only physical activity can help the body burn existing fat quicker.
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Role of genetic testing in determining future health risks

Role of genetic testing in determining future health risks

Our genes play a vital role in shaping our personalities, behaviors, thought processes, and appearance. However, they also act as contributing factors to the development of several health conditions. Genetic testing is an effective means of determining one’s genetic predisposition to a particular disease and preventing future risks of developing the condition. Here are some things to know about genetic testing, from the benefits of the process to the conditions one can test for. The benefits of genetic testing To take preventive measures Genetic testing is not the same as a diagnostic test — positive results do not imply that one has the disease. It only indicates the presence of the gene mutation causing the disease. Thus, testing for genetic vulnerability to a health condition allows one to take measures to prevent it if the result is positive. A sense of relief for families Family members are often worried about having passed on certain diseases to the future generations. Genetic testing can provide a sense of relief to family members in the case of negative results and reassurance in knowing that the disease can be prevented if the results are positive. A pathway to accurate diagnosis In many cases, genetic testing can be the first step to diagnosing a disease and starting the treatment course.
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4 vitamins important for maintaining eye health

4 vitamins important for maintaining eye health

The eyes are one of the most important sensory organs, and they play a massive role in helping one carry out day-to-day tasks. They may seem like simple organs, however, eyes are complex organs that require a lot of care and attention. Additionally, the eyes also need various vitamins and nutrients that help them function properly and keep diseases at bay. In the country, more than 3.4 million people suffer from eye problems. Eye health and problems People affected by eye-related ailments and issues prefer using lenses either in the form of contact lenses or eyeglasses to lessen the discomfort. Many eye-related problems plague people around the world. Some of the common problems are:   Blurred vision: Many people are affected by blurred vision, where they are either unable to see objects far away or face trouble seeing objects closer to them. In such cases, they may their ability to see clearly is limited to a particular distance. These problems arise because of the structure of the eye, making it difficult for the light to be refracted. These issues can be fixed with the help of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and even laser surgery.  Astigmatism: One of the most common vision problems is astigmatism.
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5 ways to manage ADHD in children

5 ways to manage ADHD in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a health condition generally seen in children. The brain of an ADHD child develops differently, where the condition affects the child’s posture, focus, and attention span, and capacity for self-control. This condition is characterized by hyperactivity, excessive movement when not required, and impulsive behavior. Parents with ADHD child can opt for different ways to deal with them. This article highlights simple parenting tips for ADHD. Raising a child with ADHD comes with its own challenges, but they can be managed by giving attention, encouragement, and following various approaches. Engage in challenging activities Children with ADHD are easily distracted, but not many know they only focus when they find a challenging task. When the child responds positively to a particular task, encourage them to do more of it. This will keep them active, improving their physical and mental health. Encourage physical exercise Indulging in different exercises can help the child focus better, improve sleep patterns, reduce depression or anxiety, and stimulate brain function. Follow a routine Creating a routine in daily tasks and activities can reduce the chances of distractions. Also, when the child encounters an activity or event they expect, they are prepared to complete them.
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6 foods that can help fight against psoriatic arthritis

6 foods that can help fight against psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis caused due to an autoimmune reaction where the immune system attacks the healthy cells in the body, mainly impacting the skin and the joints. The common symptoms include swelling in fingers and toes, backaches, fatigue, and stiffness. This condition affects a large population and is observed in roughly 30% of individuals having psoriasis. Below is a list of foods to have for individuals with psoriatic arthritis. Salmon Salmon and other fatty fish can help manage psoriatic arthritis because most fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight joint pain and tackle the swelling. The omega-3 fatty acids can help with heart conditions and prevent heart disease and strokes. The American Heart Association suggests eating salmon, tuna, and mackerel at least twice a week. Whole grains Psoriatic arthritis increases the risk of heart diseases since it can lead to the development of inflammation in the blood vessels. This inflammation can lead to secondary conditions that can further aggravate by cholesterol. Whole grain foods such as brown rice, wild rice, barley, oatmeal, and whole wheat can tackle this condition. These foods are fiber-rich, help maintain cholesterol, and even improve bowel health.
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